You need support while developing software? We deliver extensive knowledge and have numerous project references for the following languages, development environments and frameworks:
- Delphi / Win32/64, MacOSX, iOS, Android
- Visual Studio / .NET
- Xcode / iOS
You need to modernize or migrate an existing project?
- We provide help moving your project to current Delphi versions
- We clean your component zoo and migrate your project to current libraries
- You are still using BDE, IBX, IBO or other outdated DB components? We created our own custom tools that make migrating to FireDAC a painless process!
You are looking for experts that give advise you on the following topics:
- Interbase databases
- REST Interfaces
- IntraWeb / VCL for the Web applications
- Optimize or create interoperability between software and manufacturing systems, e.g. automation systems
- Transfer your ideas to innovative iPad, iPhone or Android Apps
Ask Developer Experts! We offer consulting, training, seminars and on-site project support. Describe your needs and ask us for a quote!