CodeRage 3: Video – iOS Apps mit Schlüsselbund verbinden

Vergangene Woche haben wir mit Embarcadero Deutschland erfolgreich die nunmehr dritte Coderage über die Bühne gebracht.

Hier findet ihr sämtliche Webinare zum nächträglichen Anschauen. Vielen Dank an Matthias Eissing – für die nicht unerhebliche Arbeit und auch die Geduld, alle Videos der Sprecher einzusammeln und aufzubereiten.

Hier mein Beitrag, der zeigt, wie man in FireMonkey iOS Apps den Apple Schlüsselbund aktiviert, um bei Login-Feldern dem Benutzer die Arbeit zu erleichtern. Den in der Session erwähnten Quelltext findet ihr hier.

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Delphi and Xcode 8.3.x deployment solution

Since Apple updated Xcode to version 8.3.x, iOS IPA deployment is broken with Delphi up to 10.2 (Tokyo). There is an official workaround, which basically instructs to download Xcode 8.2 and use that for now:

Unfortunately though, Apple started sending out notifications, that it won’t accept any builds created with Xcode versions older than 8.3.2 anymore. This is what I’ve received from Apple a few days ago:

„Dear developer,
We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for „AppEvents“. Your delivery was successful, but you may wish to correct the following issues in your next delivery:
Deprecated Xcode Build – Due to resolved app archives issues, we will be deprecating Xcode 8.3 on May 10, 2017, at which time app archives built with 8.3 will no longer be accepted by the App Store. Download Xcode 8.3.2 or newer, rebuild your app and resubmit.
After you’ve corrected the issues, you can use Xcode or Application Loader to upload a new binary to iTunes Connect.
The App Store team“

The problem with Delphi and Xcode 8.3 is basically a tool, that Apple decided to remove from its tool chain, but which Delphi still depends on. So the solution is to copy that missing tool „PackageApp“ from 8.2 to 8.3. Below are the steps that made my Delphi 10.2 (Tokyo) iOS deployment fully working again:

  1. Install current Xcode from Appstore into your applications folder – currently 8.3.2
  2. Download Xcode 8.2.1 from
  3. Unzip Xcode_8.2.1.xip to a separate folder (e.g. /tmp/Xcode)
  4. Make a backup copy of your current Xcode version:
    cp -R /Applications/ /tmp/ (might take a minute or two)
  5. Copy the following file from 8.2.1 to your current Xcode app:
    sudo cp /tmp/ /Applications/

Do not forget to add Export/Encryption exemption to your Delphi iOS apps

Apple requires you to specify if your apps are using any form of encryption. If you do not use encryption, you have to confirm that in your app settings on iTunes Connect – this is not new, Apple started asking for that long time ago. Important to notice is though that since a while Apple requires your app to have a special entry in it’s info.plist file – even if do not use any encryption. Without that your app will fail to verify for Testflight and Appstore deliveries.


It’s easy to add that entry in Delphi. Go to Project – Options – Version information. The list/grid is actually editable, just go to the last row and press cursor down. Then add „ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption – false“ as shown in the screenshot

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