Publishing Delphi Apps to the Microsoft Store Episode 2

As promised my first video tutorial about the Microsoft Store, here are some additional steps I would like to share with you:

  • Publishing 32 & 64-bit packages
  • Version numbers
  • MS really reads Privacy URLs 🙂

This is the link to version 1.0.1 of HashExpert.

Publishing Delphi Apps to the Microsoft Store Episode 2

As promised my first video tutorial about the Microsoft Store, here are some additional steps I would like to share with you:

  • Publishing 32 & 64-bit packages
  • Version numbers
  • MS really reads Privacy URLs 🙂

This is the link to version 1.0.1 of HashExpert.

Publishing Delphi Apps to the Microsoft Store

In this video, I will guide you through the steps to get your Delphi app published in Microsoft’s App Store. For this demonstration, I will use a Firemonkey app, but technically the same thing would work with VCL apps as well.

This is the appx that I published and got certified by Microsoft. It’s a simple Hash calculator. Nothing too fancy, but useful enough to successfully pass Microsoft’s verification procedures: Microsoft Store – HashExpert

Publishing Delphi Apps to the Microsoft Store

In this video, I will guide you through the steps to get your Delphi app published in Microsoft’s App Store. For this demonstration, I will use a Firemonkey app, but technically the same thing would work with VCL apps as well.

This is the appx that I published and got certified by Microsoft. It’s a simple Hash calculator. Nothing too fancy, but useful enough to successfully pass Microsoft’s verification procedures: Microsoft Store – HashExpert

CodeRage 3: Video – iOS Apps mit Schlüsselbund verbinden

Vergangene Woche haben wir mit Embarcadero Deutschland erfolgreich die nunmehr dritte Coderage über die Bühne gebracht.

Hier findet ihr sämtliche Webinare zum nächträglichen Anschauen. Vielen Dank an Matthias Eissing – für die nicht unerhebliche Arbeit und auch die Geduld, alle Videos der Sprecher einzusammeln und aufzubereiten.

Hier mein Beitrag, der zeigt, wie man in FireMonkey iOS Apps den Apple Schlüsselbund aktiviert, um bei Login-Feldern dem Benutzer die Arbeit zu erleichtern. Den in der Session erwähnten Quelltext findet ihr hier.

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