Coderage XII : Single Sign-on with Facebook

Single Sign-on with Facebook’s Login API and Delphi – my session at Coderage XII. Please see below for the link to the materials.

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Supplying a username and a password has been standard for many years to grant access to protected applications. This works reasonably well, yet there are issues that you may want to address with your applications:

  • shared passwords between apps, because it is easier to remember only a few passwords, than one password per application
  • too easy to guess, non-strong passwords
  • keeping your users passwords in a safe location
  • missing protection for sensitive account actionsFacebook offers an API, that allows any application (desktop and mobile) to authenticate against Facebook account information, which basically implements single sign-on on a broad scope. A Facebook user only needs to create and keep track of his Facebook credentials. This password can be selected in a complex way as it is the only one that users need to remember, which makes it harder to guess. Facebooks also provides infrastructure and staff that actively protects their user database against any sorts of cyber attacks.

    In this session I demonstrate how to implement Facebook’s Login APIs in your Delphi application.

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